Yoga is able to lower heart rate, Heart Rate Variability and improve Vagal tone (Tyagi et al.,2016), which is strongly linked to our parasympathetic nervous system… Our DIGESTION, is highly governed by strong activation of the Parasympathetic nervous system!
BDNF is like steroids for the brain. BDNF is a key neurotrophin that promotes development, survival and plasticity of neurons in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Decreased BDNF levels have been associated with psychiatric and neurological disorders including anxiety, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Yoga practice is associated with elevated levels of BDNF in healthy humans (Cahn et al., 2017).
A Systematic review suggests that yoga can be a viable intervention to reduce inflammation across a multitude of chronic conditions (Djalilova et al., 2019).
Cross-sectional observation done among 70 subjects with age range of 35-60 years, showed that individuals practicing yoga regularly had low serum cortisol levels (Katuri et al., 2016).
Yoga demonstrates a plethora of benefits to humans. It appears that much of the historical wisdom truly is supported by modern scientific research.
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