Spermidine inhibits 5 of the 9 hallmarks of aging and also triggers autophagy - the process by which your body gets rid of damaged cells and proteins. It has been studied for its role in improving cognitive function, immune function in the elderly, mitochondrial function, DNA protection and much more. After 2-3 months of constant use people have reported that their hair and eyelashes are thicker, nails are stronger and cellulite seems to be disappearing.
How to use
Spermidine Capsules
1-10mg daily.
Need to find the right dose for you? Consider coaching.
Dosing strategy:
We recommend taking our spermidine supplement with liquid at mealtime. You can also open the capsules and mix the contents with a cold or room temperature drink or smoothie.
Ideal for:
Anti-aging, health addicts.
All vendors are vetted for quality, to ensure they contain the right active ingredients and ratios. Each vendor provides a Certificate of Analysis ℹ️, to ensure accurate dosing, and a product free of contaminants/heavy metals. Further, when brands we work with have been randomly pulled off the shelf and tested by Labdoor, they have tended to score A+ ℹ️.
Before listing products, we compile a list of available research, to determine if claims match the evidence. Likewise, we scour the the internet to gauge people’s experience with each product. Most of the products listed typically score at least [4.5/5 from reviews]. All the studies we’ve found are listed at the bottom of the page, under citations.
Medication interactions and allergies
Please consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your lifestyle or regime.
For further information on contraindications and allergies, please visit the vendors website.
Buy from a BYB
Spermidine is a potent polyamine, known for inducing autophagy, which is the body's cellular renewal and recycling process that slows as we age. Supplementation with spermidine in humans has been shown to support cognition and heart health, balance hormones and improve hair growth and fullness (including eyelashes), strengthens nails. Epidemiological studies have correlated higher spermidine levels with longer life.
I am in the process of reviewing the effects of Spermidine. I am blown away by the amount of research that is being released as we speak. Keep an eye out on my YouTube channel for my in-deoth review!