The potential microcirculatory effect of Actovegin is due to an increase in the speed of capillary blood flow, a decrease in pericapillary space, a decrease in the myogenic tone of the precapillary arterioles and capillary sphincters, a decrease in the degree of blood flow with an improved circulation of blood in the capillary bed, as well as stimulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase function, which influences the microcirculatory bed.
How to use
Actovegin Tablets
Take 3 tablets per day
Need to find the right dose for you? Consider coaching.
Dosing strategy:
Best used long term
Ideal for:
Athletes, endurance, burnout
All vendors are vetted for quality, to ensure they contain the right active ingredients and ratios. Each vendor provides a Certificate of Analysis ℹ️, to ensure accurate dosing, and a product free of contaminants/heavy metals. Further, when brands we work with have been randomly pulled off the shelf and tested by Labdoor, they have tended to score A+ ℹ️.
Before listing products, we compile a list of available research, to determine if claims match the evidence. Likewise, we scour the the internet to gauge people’s experience with each product. Most of the products listed typically score at least [4.5/5 from reviews]. All the studies we’ve found are listed at the bottom of the page, under citations.
Medication interactions and allergies
Please consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your lifestyle or regime.
For further information on contraindications and allergies, please visit the vendors website.
Buy from a BYB
Actovegin may support aerobic oxidation, absorption of glucose, and oxygen uptake in tissue. For this reason, Actovegin has been used by athletes who wanted to speed up the recovery process and enhance physical performance and stamina. It is also deemed a great drug to treat various sports injuries.
Actovegin enhanced my athletic performance in ways that I thought were only possible with EPO.