Pine Pollen is also known in Chinese medicine for affecting many of the major organs of the body as a: Lung tonic, which boosts the immune system and beautifies the skin—two areas that are both controlled by the lung organ system in Chinese Medicine. Kidney tonic, which means that it is highly rejuvenative to the brain, hair, bones and endocrine system, which are controlled by the kidney organ. Liver tonic, which stimulates liver regeneration and regulates bile secretion, which are controlled by the liver organ system. Heart tonic, which increases cardiovascular endurance, raises blood levels of superoxide dismutase, and lowers cholesterol. Spleen tonic, which nourishes the muscles and increases metabolism, which are both governed by the spleen organ system.
How to use
Pine Pollen Tincture
1/2 - 1 teaspoon, up to 3 times per day.
Need to find the right dose for you? Consider coaching.
Dosing strategy:
Pine pollen works best when consumed prolonged, for atleast a month at a time. This is to promote an optimal hormonal environment to improve resilience and power.
Ideal for:
Athletes, Low Libido, Stressed individuals.
All vendors are vetted for quality, to ensure they contain the right active ingredients and ratios. Each vendor provides a Certificate of Analysis ℹ️, to ensure accurate dosing, and a product free of contaminants/heavy metals. Further, when brands we work with have been randomly pulled off the shelf and tested by Labdoor, they have tended to score A+ ℹ️.
Before listing products, we compile a list of available research, to determine if claims match the evidence. Likewise, we scour the the internet to gauge people’s experience with each product. Most of the products listed typically score at least [4.5/5 from reviews]. All the studies we’ve found are listed at the bottom of the page, under citations.
Medication interactions and allergies
Please consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your lifestyle or regime.
For further information on contraindications and allergies, please visit the vendors website.
Buy from a BYB
Pine pollen is a potent source of phyto-androgens and a naturally derived source of testosterone. These rare-to-be-found-in-nature compounds include Androstenedione, Androgens, DHEA, and Androsterone. This makes it a very rejuvenating and restorative product, for both men and women.
Pine pollen is great for times of stress, which are known to deplete the body of sex hormones. It packs a punch and improves exercise perfornance, sexual health and mood. A handy superfood to call upon, during extreme physical training and resistance.