Eight Sleep (Ultimate Sleep Enhancer)

"Sleep Like A Baby EVERY Night"
*AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I have decided to partner with Eight Sleep and as such, you will be using my affiliate link if you purchase from this page. No more blanket hogging or thermostat squabbles: each side of the Cover can cool or heat to 12°-43°C. The Cover detects when each person falls asleep, automatically adjusts temperature through the night, and turns on and off based on your individual schedules.

*AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: I have decided to partner with Eight Sleep and as such, you will be using my affiliate link if you purchase from this page.

During the night, your body goes through multiple stages of sleep that can be measured through various signals, including heart rate and movement. The Cover interprets these signals and translates them into a daily Sleep Fitness score to help you build habits and monitor improvement. Sleep is the perfect time to measure overall health: the Cover monitors various vitals, including respiratory rate, resting heart rate, and heart rate variability. Should something change, the Cover alerts you, so you can understand the factors impacting your daily wellbeing. Wake up refreshed and at your best, without disrupting your partner. GentleRise silently wakes up each individual with chest-level vibration and gradual temperature change.

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This product is not approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The information provided herein is not medical advice and should not be construed as such. This product is intended solely for use by individuals within the United States. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
How to use


32% faster sleep onset, 20% more deep sleep & 40% fewer wake-ups! Tracks your sleep and health with nothing to wear The Cover’s health tracking is benchmarked against medical-grade EKGs and sleep study equipment.


  • Use the Eight Sleep app to schedule personalized temperatures for each phase of the night. It includes support for you and a partner If you share your bed, your partner can use their phone to set temperatures for their side of the bed.
  • Track your sleep performance, consistency, tosses and turns, heart rate, respiratory rate, and sleep phases including REM and deep sleep.
  • Monitor key health indicators, including heart rate, HRV, and respiratory rate, without a wearable.


  • GentleRise vibration & thermal alarm. Set a wake-up time and wake up refreshed with gradual temperature change and gentle vibrations.
  • See how changes during the day impact your sleep at night with Apple Health integration. Learn how your movement and activity contribute to the quality of your sleep, and sync your sleep data with any other app that uses Apple Health.

How to use

Eight Sleep (Ultimate Sleep Enhancer)





Need to find the right dose for you? Consider coaching.

Dosing strategy:

Use nightly.

Ideal for:

Insomnia, Improving Sleep Quality and Overall Health.


All vendors are vetted for quality, to ensure they contain the right active ingredients and ratios. Each vendor provides a Certificate of Analysis ℹ️, to ensure accurate dosing, and a product free of contaminants/heavy metals. Further, when brands we work with have been randomly pulled off the shelf and tested by Labdoor, they have tended to score A+ ℹ️.


Before listing products, we compile a list of available research, to determine if claims match the evidence. Likewise, we scour the the internet to gauge people’s experience with each product. Most of the products listed typically score at least [4.5/5 from reviews]. All the studies we’ve found are listed at the bottom of the page, under citations.


All products listed on the BYB website follow screening before listing, to ensure there’s a history of long-term usage without adverse effects. Many products fall under the FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) guidelines.

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Medication interactions and allergies

Please consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your lifestyle or regime.

For further information on contraindications and allergies, please visit the vendors website.

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The Pod Pro Cover uses a fraction of the energy that traditional AC does — and it's even more effective at keeping you at the perfect temperature. Advanced technology for better sleep When it comes to keeping you thermoneutral, the Pod is the only mattress with the technology to achieve it. Sleeping cool is one of the best ways to improve sleep quality. While other brands use breathable foams and cooling gels, the Pod is the only mattress with patented, hydropowered technology that cools down to as low as 12° C.

BUY CODE: LUCAS (Save $$$)
BUY CODE: LUCAS (Save $$$)

Lucas, BYB founder


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