👎🏽MAGNESIUM OXIDE – Very poor absorption rate of between 4-8%. Avoid, unless you want to create a diarrhoea party.
👍🏾MAGNESIUM GLYCINATE – Very high absorption, however, some people notice feeling spaced out/depersonalised from this form, possibly due to altering NMDA receptor activity (Wang et al., 1995).
✅MAGTEIN® (L-Threonate + Acetyl Taurate):
Crosses the blood brain barrier efficiently, improving memory, reduces anxiety, supports GABA and acts as an NMDA antagonist
(Wroolie et al., 2017).
👎🏽MAGNESIUM ASPARTATE - The form found in ZMA, may actually be slightly neurotoxic, maybe that’s why users get wild/crazy dreams using this form?
👍🏾MAGNESIUM CITRATE – Good absorption (25-30%) and accumulates in the muscle and to a lesser extent in the brain. Can be useful to reduce cramp. The citric acid chelates calcium and oxalates (also prevents the absorption of oxalates) in the body, which makes it effective against kidney stones (Ranade et al., 2001)
⚡️MAGNESIUM OROTATE – Good absorption and accumulates in the cardiovascular system (Stepura et al., 2009).
Pick your magnesium wisely! There are intricate differences in their effects, which warrants close attention. I, as well as @drjamesdinic personally opt for Magtein® (Message/DM me for a discount code).
Photo by: nataliazakharova
#Magnesium #Magnesiumsupplement #magnesiumbenefits #MgMineral #Minerals #Magnesiumhealth #Magtein #nutrientabsorption #nutritionalscience