❖ Why Ice?
There is a very clear reason why the testicles are located outside the body. This is because they are extremely sensitive to temperature, and must be kept slightly cooler than the internal temperature of the body.
The Leydig cells (found in the testicles which secrete Testosterone, in the presence of LH), require cool conditions to function optimally. When men wear underwear, tight clothing, sit near a laptop, hot work environments, the testicles are too warm to function.
Even a marginal increase of 2 degrees celsius outside the optimal range, can completely arrest sperm and testosterone production. Simply driving for 2 hours has been shown to increase scrotal temperature by approximately 1.7–2.2°C (Bujan, 2000).
▷ What does the research suggest:
-Significantly increase sperm count, in multiple studies (Osman, 2012).
-Significantly increases sperm motility (Jung, 2001).
-Significantly increases sperm density (Ivel, 2007).
-Significantly increases sperm viability (Galil, 1989).
-Significantly increases sperm quality (Jung, 2001).
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