Walking reduces brain tumor risk.
Simply walking for 36-72 minutes every day or jogging for 15-30 minutes appears to yield favorable, protective effects against brain cancer.
Bio-statistician Paul Williams at Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory discovered that after following 150,000 runners and walkers for over then years (Ergo-log, 2021).
But you might be thinking…
How does walking reduce cancer risk?
The most common form of brain cancer is glioma.
In-vitro studies have shown that IGF-1 stimulates the growth of glioma cells.
Researchers believe that physical exercise helps the muscles absorb more IGF-1 from the blood, making less IGF-1 available for cancer growth (Paul, 2014).
Yet another reason to get up and do some movement instead of sitting all day.
Remember, a diverse range of exercise is key for radiant health.