Pycnogenol (Modex)

Experience the Power of Natural Wellness"
Improving blood circulation to assist with nutrient and oxygen uptake. This aids natural energy production and maintains stamina.

Taking daily assists with pain associated during and after exercise. Pycnogenol® improves the blood supply to muscle tissue creating a relief effect on muscle cramping and pain. Boosting NO production to muscles improves oxygen and nutrient delivery, supporting faster recovery, muscle growth, and strength, while its antioxidant properties mitigate exercise-induced muscle damage and fatigue. By reducing oxidative stress there is a significant improvement in overall cognitive function. Pycnogenol® has shown measurable positive effects on memory, attention and daily tasks-related decision-making.

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This product is not approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The information provided herein is not medical advice and should not be construed as such. This product is intended solely for use by individuals within the United States. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
How to use


This product a dosage of Pycnogenol which is consistent with the results across many clinical trials for improving energy, athletic performance, focus & immunity.

  • Promotes Gut Health: Supports gut microbiota balance, crucial for a strong immune system.
  • Boosts Immune Cell Activity: Increases activity of natural killer cells and T-cells, vital for immune defense.
  • Enhances Endothelial Function: Supports blood vessel health, promoting better circulation of immune cells.

Blood Flow

  • Boosting NO production to muscles improves oxygen and nutrient delivery, supporting faster recovery, muscle growth, and strength, while its antioxidant properties mitigate exercise-induced muscle damage and fatigue.
  • Pycnogenol contains the bioflavonoids catechin and taxifolin as well as phenolcarbonic acids. Antioxidants, such as bioflavonoids, enhance endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase expression and subsequent NO release from endothelial cells.

How to use

Pycnogenol (Modex)


For optimum results, supplement 100ml of Modex daily for a 4 week period.



Need to find the right dose for you? Consider coaching.

Dosing strategy:

For optimum results, supplement 100ml of Modex daily for a 4 week period.

Ideal for:

Athletes, General Health


All vendors are vetted for quality, to ensure they contain the right active ingredients and ratios. Each vendor provides a Certificate of Analysis ℹ️, to ensure accurate dosing, and a product free of contaminants/heavy metals. Further, when brands we work with have been randomly pulled off the shelf and tested by Labdoor, they have tended to score A+ ℹ️.


Before listing products, we compile a list of available research, to determine if claims match the evidence. Likewise, we scour the the internet to gauge people’s experience with each product. Most of the products listed typically score at least [4.5/5 from reviews]. All the studies we’ve found are listed at the bottom of the page, under citations.


All products listed on the BYB website follow screening before listing, to ensure there’s a history of long-term usage without adverse effects. Many products fall under the FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) guidelines.

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Medication interactions and allergies

Please consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your lifestyle or regime.

For further information on contraindications and allergies, please visit the vendors website.

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Pycnogenol is a game-changer for me. It's a convenient and effective way to support my health. The antioxidant power helps combat stress, promotes cardiovascular health, and boosts skin radiance.


I like using this pre-workout for better pumps in the gym!

Lucas, BYB founder


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