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Novel health information, backed by cutting edge research, trusted by 100,000+ people.

"Lucas is all about performance. I'm always looking for ways to improve my wellness and performance and after listening to him on the Ben Greenfield podcast, I knew I had to work with him straight away. He's a legend!”

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James Newbury

Worldclass Crossfit Champion

"Lucas' insight into health optimisation is cutting edge. I was able to implement some of the strategies that he suggested. From this my sleep has improved, allowing me to have better energy throughout the day and increased mental focus."

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Isabel Lucas

Worldclass actress & environmentalist

"Since my training involves being super focused and fast decision making under a lot of pressure, I came to Lucas to ask for his expertise. He put me on a tailored protocol that made me sharper when fighting. I also feel less fatigued and have better stamina overall."

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Burak Surman


"Lucas is a wizard when it comes to formulating and combining different ingredients. I’ve known him for a number of years and come to him whenever I have a question related to brain optimization. He hands down knows exactly how to formulate the perfect stacks for me. I feel more focused and productive being a PT and don’t come home feeling exhausted."

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Ty Phillips


"I’ve been watching Lucas’ videos and learning tonnes from him over the years and decided it was time to get coached by him. Since working with him, my overall quality of life has improved significantly. He knows his stuff!"

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Ziggy Daher

Executive/Busy Father

"Lucas is one of the most brilliant minds when it comes to nootropics and neurotransmitters. I follow many biohackers but he is the real deal. This is groundbreaking knowledge that costs a fraction of the alternative - experimenting for years and wasting thousands of dollars.

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Economist, Neuro-optimization expert, entrepreneur.

"My productivity has never been this good! I've always been interested in biohacking and optimizing my work performance. Since working with Lucas, my focus and motivation has doubled. He formulated me the most incredible nootropic stacks ever."

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Matt Tasso

Real Estate Agent

“There's nothing like this on the web. Lucas' nootropics course is full of highly researched information, and he makes it really easy to understand. This course taught me a lot about how I can hack my brain for better performance and mood. Highly recommend it for all those true biohackers out there!"

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Biohacker, Blogger, Entrepreneur.

"I learned so much from Lucas' Nootropics course. Having only really heard about Nootropics in passing and not knowing a great deal about what they were, how they worked or how to use them, the thoroughly detailed explanations offered in this course were very helpful. There is also heaps of practical advice about which Nootropics to use for certain purposes as well as dosing recommendations and strategies."

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Psychologist, Sexologist, Counsellor & Men's Coach.

Followed by the pros